Real People Real Talk

Morning and Nighttime Routines

We explore the transformative power of morning and night routines as vital tools for personal development and effective time management. By creating structured rituals, we can set the tone for productivity, foster gratitude, and ultimately thrive in our daily lives.

• Discussion on the benefits of structured morning routines  
• Emphasis on spiritual connection as a foundational element  
• Importance of hydration, physical activity, and daily goal review  
• Overview of effective nighttime habits and gratitude practice  
• Flexibility in routines allows for personalization and adaptation

Scripture from Today

  • Ephesian 5:15-16  “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome and thanks for tuning in to Real People, real Talk, relevant conversations that take you from surviving to thriving. This is the podcast that goes there. My name is Paul Calco and I'm your host. Now let's talk. Well, hello, thriver, and welcome to the show.

Speaker 1:

And since we are still at the top of the year, I wanted to do an episode that touches on personal development goals and time management. And, more specifically, I want to talk to you today about morning routines and night routines, and I want to share my best practices from my personal experience, as well as some information from my research. So buckle your seatbelt, you are in for a good one today, but before I proceed, I want to say thank you to God for his favor and for his faithfulness. I want to say thank you to God for his favor and for his faithfulness At the time of this recording. This podcast ministry, real People, real Talk, has been heard on every single continent, in 123 countries and nearly 2400 cities, and with that, I say to God be the glory. And I also want to say thank you to you. Thank you so much for listening, thank you for sharing. I do covet your prayers that this is a ministry that I want God to use and I want him to get the glory, and I really appreciate you. And so, with that being said, I want to commit to doing more episodes this year. I want to do at least three episodes per month, moving forward, whether it's a solo episode or an interview or a short devotional. You're going to hear more from me as I hear more from God, as I seek more after the Lord.

Speaker 1:

Now to the content at hand. Of course, I want to begin with God's word. Ephesians, chapter five, verse 15 and 16, says look carefully, then, how you walk, not as the unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil, key in on their phrase. Making the best use of the time, creating and sticking to a morning routine and a nighttime routine will help you to make the best use of your time on a day to day basis. So first, let's talk about morning routines, our mornings. When you get up, when that alarm goes off in the am, that sets the tone for the rest of the day, and by taking control of these early hours, these waking hours, we can really influence our productivity, our mindset and our overall well-being. I'm going somewhere now. Basically, your morning routine can set you up for success.

Speaker 1:

So first we wanna talk about why having a morning routine is crucial. A structured morning routine can set the tone for the rest of the day, it can reduce stress stress and it can increase overall efficiency. Having a morning routine can provide a sense of stability and control, which can really impact your mental health and productivity. Numerous studies have shown that our willpower is strongest in the morning. So by front loading your day with activities that require focus and discipline, you can make significant progress towards your goals before the distractions of the day set in. Additionally, having a routine can reduce decision fatigue. Let me go further, because when you know exactly what your morning is going to look like and you can save a lot of mental energy and that can be better spent on more important tasks later in the day. I am a witness of this. Waking up with the plan can make for a smooth morning and set the foundation for a smooth day.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to break down some key components of an effective morning routine. First things first. You probably know where I'm going. Morning routine First things first. You probably know where I'm going. Start your morning off with the Lord, since Jesus saw fit to wake you up. The least you can do is tell him thank you In those waking moments. Spend it with him, as the Bible says in Matthew 6, 33,. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Keying in on that phrase seek first. The Bible also says in Psalm 63, 1,. Says God, thou art my God, early will I seek you. My soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you In a dry and thirsty land where no water is, spend some time in prayer, some time in worship, some time in the word to start off your day.

Speaker 1:

Period number two hydrate. Start your day off with a glass of water to kickstart that metabolism and hydrate your body after hours of sleep. And it's also a good time to take your vitamins and my vitamins. That's between you and your doctor, whatever vitamins he see fit, he or she see fit for you to take. That's what you need to be taking, you know. And I would encourage you to get your yearly physical. I would encourage you to get some lab work done. I would encourage you just to get ahead of the game and just do all that you can so you can be healthy.

Speaker 1:

For me after I got my blood work done. I need to take some more vitamin C, I need to take some more fiber. So those are the things I'm taking. So, once again, the second thing you need to do is to be sure to hydrate. Thirdly, I would encourage you to incorporate some type of physical activity. I have a treadmill here at home that's right in front of the TV. On most mornings I get up, I put on a basketball game from the night before and I get some walking in. That really gets me going. It honestly lifts my mood and after working out I just feel so accomplished. So you know if I have hydrated, I have spent time with the Lord and I got to work out again. You can't tell me nothing. I'm on top of the world, walking out the door.

Speaker 1:

Now I understand that every person listening to this, you have a different schedule, so please take all the info that I give you today and personalize it, contextualize it and make it work for you. And personalize it, contextualize it and make it work for you. If you are short on time, you can do something quick. It don't have to be an entire one hour workout. You can go for a brief walk. That way you get some fresh air and you get some sunlight, or you can do some pushups or some squats and go on about your day. Exercise is crucial because it boosts your endorphins and it boosts your energy levels, and the key is consistency in finding an activity that you enjoy. So get some type of physical activity in in the morning.

Speaker 1:

The fourth component of an effective morning routine is all about your, your daily goals. In the morning, take a few minutes to review your goals and your priorities for the day. You can use a planner. You can use your note app on your phone and just jot down your to-do list. I keep a note on my phone of my to-do list, my daily to-do list. I have about five or so things I want to do. I have too many and you don't know what to focus on, but I have about five or so things on my to do list that I really want to get done and I review those so I can really just once again set the tone for the day and get me focused and move in the right direction. So for me, spending time with God and working out they are always on my to do list daily, more so spending time with God than working out, because working out at least one rest day or two. But by setting clear intentions, you can be focused and organized. For example, my to do list today was to take the garbage out to get a workout in, spend time with the Lord, to record a podcast, and then it was a couple more errands, but I reviewed those goals at the beginning of the day and that set me in the right direction and kept me focused on the priority for the day.

Speaker 1:

Now, the fifth component of a successful and effective morning routine is personal development. Dedicate some time to personal growth. This could be reading a book, it could be listening to a podcast, it could be learning something new. Even if it's just 10 or 15 minutes, this can be beneficial to continuous learning and self improvement. And, once again, if you are short on time, maybe you can listen to a podcast while you do your workout, or you can listen to a podcast or a TED talk during your commute. So, but I would encourage you to do this. Choose material that will inspire you and motivate you, all right. So, whether it's a book, a podcast or a TED talk, spend some time in personal growth and enriching your mind. Personally, I like to listen to a podcast on my way to work. This is stimulate my mind and to keep growing. So, all in all, I want you to feed your brain and keep growing, my friend. So these are the top five components to a successful and productive morning routine. Number one spending time with the Lord. Number two hydrating. Number three exercising. Number four setting and reviewing your goals for the Lord. Number two hydrating. Number three exercising. Number four setting and reviewing your goals for the day. Number five investing time in personal development.

Speaker 1:

And let me keep it real right here If you only have time for one thing in the morning, I would encourage you to spend some time with the Lord. Give him the first fruits of your day at the church, say amen. And before I move on, let me let me say this the key to a morning routine it really starts the night before. So I want to briefly talk about nighttime routines before I conclude. Not only should you start your day off with the Lord, I believe you should end your day with him as well.

Speaker 1:

Even though I spend time with the Lord in the mornings before I go to bed, I still kneel down each night to tell God thank you, thank you for another day of life. Thank you for your mercy, thank you for your grace. I could go on and on, but he's worthy of that thanksgiving and he's worthy of that praise. And to take it a step further, I would encourage you to develop a nightly habit of listing out the blessings as a way to close the day with thanksgiving, and this aligns with 1 Thessalonians 5, 18. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. God's will for your life is to be grateful and to give him thanks. It could be something as simple as Lord and I want to use the word simple Lord. Thank you for another day of life. Thank you for your protection on my commute to work. Let me say it like this If I had 10,000 tongues, it wouldn't be enough to give God the praise, the glory, the honor and thanksgiving that is due his name. So I said all that to say this make sure you give God praise and express gratitude and express your thanksgiving to God.

Speaker 1:

So a key component of a nighttime routine is to spend it with the Lord and acknowledge him. Secondly, the nighttime is also a good time to celebrate wins. This could look like listen out the three things that you accomplish that day. In other words, did I get a good workout in that day? I'm going to celebrate that. Did I knock some things off my to do list? I'm going to celebrate that. All right, you are worth celebrating.

Speaker 1:

Another crucially important aspect to an effective and successful night routine is to put everything in its place. I can testify to this. My mornings go so much more smoothly when I put my keys, my wallet, my gym bag, my work bag and my clothes for the day all in their proper places before I go to bed. So when I wake up the next day, I don't have to look for my keys I already know where they are. I don't have to look for my wallet I already know where it is. I don't have to pick out an outfit. I already did that last night.

Speaker 1:

Last night, I set myself up for success this morning and I would tell you this because my mornings will be very hectic if I didn't do the proper things at night. I said all of that to say this a good night time routine will set your morning up for success and with that morning routine, it will set the tone for the rest of the day to be effective, to be efficient and have a successful day. And, lastly, I would encourage you to say I love you. That's something that I did when I was growing up in my parents' house. I mean, before we went to bed, we all would just, you know, say goodnight love you, share a kiss my mom, my dad, my sister and now I do that in my home here with my wife. No matter, you know, if we got into an argument that day, okay, we still go say goodnight love you. If it was just a regular, normal day, we still go say goodnight love you. So I want you to practice saying I love you before you go to bed. Just create that culture of love in your home.

Speaker 1:

So your nighttime routine should consist of thanking God, celebrating the wins for the day, putting everything in its proper place and saying I love you. And you may want to add more things, depending on what you need in this current season. You may want to stretch, you may want to read, you may want to take a bubble bath, you may want to do a self-care routine. All that is good, but I'm just sharing you what's been working for me in this season. So, as it relates to both a morning routine and a night routine.

Speaker 1:

It's important to stay flexible, be willing to adjust, because life happens, some days won't go as planned, some nights won't go as planned, and that's OK. So be kind to yourself and adjust as needed, without giving up on your routine entirely. Flexibility is the key to long term success. So what this means is like one morning I may prioritize exercise, another morning I may prioritize personal development, and that's OK. But please remember to personalize your routine. Yes, I share some things for research. Yes, I share some things from my personal experience, but take these things, pray over them and develop and do what works for you, and no matter what you add in or what you take out, please spend time with the Lord, because the best morning routine and the best night routine is the one that fits your lifestyle and fits your current season. So here's some tips for customizing your routine.

Speaker 1:

Number one assess your needs. Identify what you want to achieve with your routines in the morning and at night, whether it's increased productivity, whether it's better health, personal growth. Tailor your activities to support these goals. God saw fit to give you another year, so make the most of this year. Spend your time wisely and, in regards to whatever time constraints you may have. Just consider how much time, realistically, that you have in the morning, because even a short routine can be effective if it's well planned. So please access your needs for this current season in your life.

Speaker 1:

Secondly, before I conclude, experiment. This is good old trial and error. Try some different activities and see what works best for you. It makes it take some time to find the perfect combination. So be patient, be flexible and be open to adjustments and mix it up from time to time. Incorporate a mix of physical, mental and emotional activities that can keep your routine balanced, because my my morning routine looks different in the winter than it does in the spring. For example, when it's winter I'm going to get on a treadmill, but when the spring and the sun is out, I'm going to go outside as my form of working out.

Speaker 1:

Here's just some extra tips specifically for the morning routine portion. Avoid the snooze button. Just get up. Be willing to go to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier, so you can have a productive morning. So a good nighttime routine can set your morning up well and a good morning routine can set the tone for a productive and effective day. The goal is to create a routine that works for you and helps you to start your day with purpose and end your day with purpose, thus helping you to use your time wisely. Remember Ephesians, chapter five, verse 15 and 16. Look carefully, then, how you walk, not as to unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. And that would do it for today. Until next time I want you to go. Be all that God has called you to be you.